You Don't Know Jack Drinking Game

From lath games to dinner party games to drinking games, we love organised fun. And while Band Of Fire is a reliable pick, there are truly only so many times you can force people to drink from the King cup. Plus, your cards are probably and then mucilaginous they're essentially unusable now. Right? Knew it.

Which is why it'south essential you have ane of these other best drinking games upward your sleeve, to whip out during Freshers' Week or next time you've got approximately 39 minutes before the taxi arrives. Remember to drink responsibly and safely!

The best drinking games

Back to back

2 people in your grouping stand dorsum to back, drinks in mitt. The residual of the group enquire them a 'Who's the well-nigh likely to....' question, and whichever member thinks they're the about likely to, drinks. If one of them drinks, you ask the side by side question. If they both drink, they both accept to drink over again. If neither of them drink, they also both accept to drink once more.


Paranoia might not make you many friends, merely it will make everyone nice and merry, quicker than yous'd recall – and y'all'll exist surprised how nosy you actually are too. Players have it in plow to whisper a question to the person on their right. The person answering the question must say their answer out loud, bearing in mind the residuum of the participants oasis't heard the question. thousand. the question might be 'How many people in this room have you kissed?' and the answer said aloud could be: 'Two'.

If one of the players can't take the suspense and wants to know what the question was, they take to drinkable to earn the knowledge. Even the about laid back of people mostly crack at to the lowest degree once!

A more barbarous twist on Paranoia is 'Person Paranoia', where the reply to the question has to be a person in the room, and the person answering the question has to point at their respond. Want to know what the question was? Drink.

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Fuzzy Duck

An oldie merely a goodie, this game is a good one for a depression-maintenance household, as it requires literally no equipment but your own voices. Sit down everyone in a circle, and say 'fuzzy duck' to the person on your left.

Continue the pattern until someone chooses to say 'does he', to which the player on their correct has to respond 'ducky fuzz', and then the game continues in the reverse direction with everyone saying 'ducky fuzz' until someone says 'does he' once again and the direction switches and it's back to 'fuzzy duck' again. Got that? Whenever someone fluffs their lines, they accept to drink. It will happen surprisingly quickly.

Cup stack

Put lots of stackable cups in the eye of a table (say double the corporeality of people playing), all with a couple of inches of alcohol in, apart from 2 cups. Everybody stands around the table, with ii ping pong assurance placed equidistant apart (and then if there are ten of you, player one and player five has a ping pong brawl).

Starting with histrion i and player five (who also have the empty cups), have information technology in turns to bounce the ping pong ball on the table and into the cup (ane bounciness and then it has to go into the cup) earlier passing the cup and ball clockwise onto the next person to do the aforementioned thing. If i loving cup catches up with the other, the person who gets the ball in must stack their cup in the other cup, and pass information technology on - and so the person who was too wearisome to bounce their brawl in must drink from the eye, to create some other cup in circulation. Keep going until at that place are no cups left in the middle - and the cup stacks going around the outside are about 10 cups high.

Where's the water?

If you can handle your tequila and barefaced like a champ, this is the game for you. It'southward a roulette style state of affairs where you line up a selection of various shot glasses, and fill some with clear spirits (vodka and sambuca also work well) and others with h2o. Each histrion then has to have it in turns to cull and drink and a shot, and say 'mmm, water!' in their about convincing voice. If y'all phone call them out and say they're lying, and you're right, they drink another – only if you're wrong, the shot's on you.

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Drunk Twister

This is Twister, the developed version. The simply rules are that you accept to be slightly tipsy before y'all play, and every fourth dimension you lot fall over, you accept to take a potable. There's admittedly nothing more hilarious and chaotic than playing this after a few wines with your mates, trust.

And then, side by side time y'all're planning on having a girly night in, dust off your one-time mat from the loft or grab a cheap one from eBay.


Of course there's a drinking game app, it'southward the 21st century. Complimentary to download, in that location'due south standard Picolo, or a more intense version. If yous desire the latter, you've got to pay to download the harder levels.

Whilst the standard version is similar to Band-of-Fire style tasks, like categories and rhyming, the paid version takes things to a new level, with waterfall and the floor is lava style drinking games.

When you download the app, each player'due south proper name is added to the game, and it basically tells you what to do - perfect for indecisive groups on a night out.


Another excellent premise that requires no prepare-upward whatsoever, the simply rule to this tricksy petty game is that you must add the name Bob to anyone's name whenever you address them – for example, instead of saying 'Sarah, tin can you lot pour me another glass?' you would have to say 'Bob Sarah, can you lot pour me another glass?'

It might sound basic, but nosotros bet y'all skilful coin you'll sideslip upwards at least once – and your forfeit for forgetting? A set amount of fingers of your beverage (y'all can decide how brave you're feeling!)

The name game

Whilst nosotros're on the subject of names, hither'south another game to add together to your repertoire, and it's all based on your celeb noesis, which is probably why we ACE this ane every time. To get-go, one player says the proper name of someone famous, and so the following person has to say the name of someone else famous whose name starts with the beginning letter of the other person'southward surname (okay, we've said the word 'proper name a lot, are y'all even so with us?)

So, if histrion one says Taylor Swift, you could follow up with Seth Rogen, and the next person could say Reese Witherspoon. The drinking part? If you lot can't retrieve of a name immediately, you accept to drink while you're thinking.

best friends drinking party drunk


Task master

This is the perfect drinking game if you're at a house party with people you don't know or pre-drinking in halls. To start the game, play a round of rock, paper, pair of scissors to make up one's mind who is going to be the 'job master'. Once they're appointed, the task principal tin challenge someone in the group to do something. Rule; the more bad-mannered and cringe, the better.

For example, the person giving the orders could challenge someone to pull in a random accent, and not break the facade all night. If the person appointed the task refuses, they have to potable. If the task goes ahead but goes wrong, they drink half their potable. If the job is a success, everyone has to drink, and the challengee becomes the challenger, and then on.

Note; the more drunk people get, the funnier it gets.

Beer pong

Do we even need to explain beer pong? No? Well nosotros're going to anyway. Create a triangle with half dozen one-half-full (of vodka, gin, wine, Ribena – whatever your toxicant) cups at opposite ends of a table, in a iii-2-1 formation, then split into ii teams, each taking an finish.

Players and then take it in turns to throw a ping pong ball into one of their opponents cups – if it lands, you have to drink the contents and remove the cup from the table. If your squad runs out of cups kickoff, you're the losers. Soz virtually that.

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You'll demand a dice and six different cups of differing sizes, ranging from a shot all the way upward to that ridiculous oversized novelty mug that you demand to use two teabags in. Each loving cup corresponds with a different number on the dice – players coil the dice, and then take to drinkable the contents of whichever cup they've been assigned.

A word to the wise: be kind and put something with a mixer in the bigger spectacles or you won't concluding long!


Take hold of a glass, fill it with beer, wine, or whatever floats your boat, and place it in the centre of the table. Then catch an empty shot glass and identify it in the drinking glass so that it floats. Each player must and then cascade a small amount of their drink into the shot drinking glass. Whoever sinks the shot drinking glass (or boat), has to beverage the whole thing. Nice.

Slimline prosecco is a thing and WHERE CAN WE GET OUR HANDS ON IT?


Flip cup

Y'all know those red plastic cups they have in every American teen movie ever? They're called Solo cups, yous can get them here now, and they're perfect for a game of flip loving cup. This is a squad game, where 2 opposing groups stand on opposite sides of a tabular array or counter, with a full cup in front end of each player.

The games brainstorm, and the first players in line race to down their drinks, and then place their empty cups upside downwardly on the edge of the surface. They so accept to successfully flip their cups the right manner up – not so piece of cake once you've had a few – at which signal the side by side player in line has to do the same. It's a relay, so the first squad to become to the end wins!

Never have I always

A staple of Fresher's dorms the land over, Never Accept I Ever is a groovy way to get to know a lot - probably also much - nigh people in a short space of time. If you're not familiar with the rules, yous basically apply 'Never accept I always' as a prefix to a sentence for something you've never washed, and anybody who has done it has to have a sip of drink.

Offset tame with subjects like food or travel, then move on to the more 'interesting' stuff (sexual practice acts, basically).

Miranda drinking cocktails


Wizard staff

Okay, so information technology's totally insane, and we'd never actually advise you to exercise it, but we had to tell you lot about this game, because the concept is hilarious. It basically requires you lot to eat any drink that comes in a can, and then record the cans together to create your very own – you've guessed it – Sorcerer Staff, a.m.a the source of all of your drunken ability.

The person with the biggest staff wins, just if anyone gets to ten cans (over again, we stress, don't try this at home), they automatically go the White Wizard, and anyone else who reaches ten after them has to duel them – or essentially, whack their staffs together until one of them breaks – to fight them for the crown. In summary, Harry Potter ain't got nothing on this.

Drunk jenga

Invest in a jenga set (there are loads of cheap ones on Amazon), and write a different rule on the superlative of each wooden block. Things like 'drink ii fingers of your drinkable', 'accept a shot' or 'kiss the person to your right' work well, or you can go as wild or lowkey as you want. The more you lot play, the drunker y'all'll get, and the more than impuissant your game will be.

What ACTUALLY happens to your body when you give up drinking?


Higher or lower / Screw the dealer

Sit down in a circle with a deck of cards, faced downwards. Take it in turns to be the dealer of the cards, who holds the pack of cards in their hands. The dealer turns i carte face up, and reads the details out to the group. E.g. Vii of hearts. The person to the left of the dealer must now decide whether the next number is going to be college or lower than a seven (Jack, Queen, King, Ace are loftier).

If they become it right, the dealer drinks, and the next person to the left picks college or lower. The game keeps going - with the dealer drinking each time someone gets an answer right - until someone gets it wrong, and the person to the left then becomes the dealer.

Ride the jitney

Another game which involves sitting in a circle and using a pack of cards. This is quite a similar prepare to 'screw the dealer', except this time the person doing the higher or lower guessing has to practice the drinking.

Lay xv cards out in a triangle shape on a table (one at the elevation, followed past ii beneath it, three beneath that, 4 beneath that and then finally five). The role player turns i of the bottom five cards over, and and then must choose one of the four higher up it at random, proverb whether it will exist higher or lower. Due east.g. they outset plough over a five and say 'higher', before picking a card from the row of four.

If it is college, they repeat the design until they become to the one card at the acme. If they guess correctly, they don't have to drink. If they get ane wrong, they accept to beverage every bit many fingers of their potable equally rows left. E.g. if they guess incorrect on the quaternary row, they take to beverage two fingers.

Supercede the cards used with ones from the pack, and move onto the next player. Proceed going until everyone has finally won (or, er, is drunk enough not to have another get.)


If you're a fan of drunk jenga, this is one for you, too. The best bit? It'south super simple. Just place an empty glass in the middle of a table where every thespian can reach it and fill it with a drink of your choice. Then, lay out a deck of cards face up down around the loving cup. When it's your go, all yous demand to exercise is grab a card and identify it on the drinking glass, making certain at least the corners are hanging off. If you touch someone else's card in the process - drink; if your card falls off - two sips of your drink; if three or less cards autumn off the stack - that's 3 sips. If you really fluff it upwards and knock six or more than cards off, you've lost the game and the forfeit is downing the drink in the drinking glass in the middle.

Drinkable murder

A new twist on an old archetype - wink murder. Nosotros're sure anybody knows the standard rules merely let's recap. In each round, 1 person is secretly assigned the role of murderer. This person has the ability to "kill" other players by making eye contact and winking at them. When you're winked at, you accept to feign sudden death. Except, in this version, y'all take a sip of your potable instead. Genius, huh?

some red cups containing drink

PamWalker68 Getty Images

Truth or drinkable

Once again, a take on a firm party game we all know and honey (unless you find information technology super awkward, that is). The options are simple, you choose to requite an honest answer to a question posed past one of your swain drinkers, otherwise - instead of doing a dare - you take a drink.


A super easy option that doesn't fifty-fifty require cards - perfect for last-minute pre-drinks. To kickoff, every player chooses a mitt motion for themselves, call back peace sign, Madonna Vogue easily, let your imagination run costless. When everyone thumps at the table, the game is in play and the starting player does their own hand action, then someone else's, while the others continue thumping. The person whose hand action was done repeats this pattern, and and then on. Whoever gets mixed up with the gestures or takes as well long to react takes a drink.

Straight Face

Ever tried to keep yourself from laughing when you lot're a bit tipsy, only to find that makes things 100x funnier? This game taps into that exact feeling. Players write sentences on pieces of paper, with the aim of making others laugh at the contents. Mix upwards those scraps of paper, chuck them in the middle, and players then take it turns to pick one out and read it aloud, while trying to continue a straight face. If you can't manage it, you lot guessed it, information technology's fourth dimension to drink.

International drinking rules

If y'all've completely wearied every drinking game possible, simply y'all however fancy a bit of organised fun, this is the perfect way to go. Whilst it's non necessarily a game, it still requires skill and memory - something that'south slightly harder when you're a fleck tipsy.

All yous accept to do is behave on socialising as normal, only with a few added rules that tin can mix up the night a little. Essentially, if yous break the rules, y'all drink, and if you don't intermission the rules, you stay sober all dark. Which one would y'all prefer?

You can likewise customise the rules to run across the theme of your evening, but the standard ones are as follows:

  • No swearing.
  • No pointing.
  • You can't put your drinkable on the table - you accept to either keep refilling all night or keep carrying your empties. Unlucky all you tinny drinkers.
  • No calling people by their first name.
  • No saying the word drink.

    Think you can exercise it?

    Drink responsibly.

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