what does it mean to be -60 feet in elevation?





a. The act or an example of elevating: the slow height of torso temperature.

b. The condition of existence elevated: her acme among scholars.


a. The peak to which something is elevated above a signal of reference, especially hateful ocean level: The ridge rises to an top of iii,000 feet.

b. The athwart altitude of an object higher up the observer's horizon.

three. An elevated place or position: The hill is the highest height around here.

iv. Loftiness or nobility, as of thought or feeling: a passage noted for its elevation of manner.

v. A scale drawing of the side, front, or rear of a construction.


a. The ability to achieve tiptop in a jump, every bit in ballet.

b. The degree of peak reached when such a jump is executed.

Synonyms: elevation , altitude , height
These nouns announce the altitude of something above a betoken of reference such as the horizon: a city at an elevation of iii,000 anxiety above body of water level; flying at an altitude of 1 mile; grew to a superlative of 6 feet.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




one. the human action of elevating or the country of being elevated

2. the acme of something to a higher place a given or unsaid place, esp above body of water level

iii. a raised area; elevation

4. nobleness or grandeur; loftiness: elevation of idea.

5. (Compages) a drawing to scale of the external face of a building or structure. Compare programme3, ground plan1

6. (Architecture) the external face of a building or structure

7. (Ballet) a ballet dancer'due south ability to jump loftier

8. (Roman Catholic Church) RC Church the lifting up of the Host at Mass for adoration

9. (Astronomy) astronomy another name for altitude3

10. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the angle formed between the cage of a gun and the horizontal

11. (Surveying) surveying the angular distance betwixt the plane through a betoken of observation and an object in a higher place it. Compare lowseven

ˌeleˈvational adj

Collins English language Lexicon – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌɛl əˈveɪ ʃən)


1. the act of elevating, or the state of beingness elevated.

2. the summit to which something is elevated or to which it rises.

3. the altitude of a place in a higher place sea level or footing level.

4. an elevated place; eminence.

5. a cartoon that represents a building or other object equally being projected geometrically on a vertical plane parallel to i of its sides.

6. Surveying.

a. the bending between the line from an observer or instrument to an object above the observer or instrument and a horizontal line.

b. the distance to a higher place a datum level.

7. the ability of a dancer to stay in the air while executing a stride, or the height thus attained.

8. the lifting of the Eucharistic elements immediately later on consecration in the mass.

[1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French < Latin]

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Lexicon, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.



The vertical altitude between a standard reference bespeak, such as ocean level, and the summit of an object or point on the Globe, such as a mountain. The summit of Mount Everest is the highest elevation on Earth.

The American Heritage® Pupil Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


The vertical distance of a point or level on or affixed to the surface of the Earth measured from mean body of water level. Come across also distance.

Dictionary of Military machine and Associated Terms. Usa Department of Defense 2005.


1. Some other give-and-take for amelioration.

2. A term practical to all aerial movements.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words past Diagram Grouping Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. elevation - the event of something being raised upward elevation - the upshot of something being raised upwards; "an elevation of the temperature in the afternoon"; "a raising of the land resulting from volcanic activity"

raising, lift

rising, rising, ascent, rise - a motion up; "they cheered the ascent of the gasbag balloon"

2. elevation - the highest level or degree attainable acme - the highest level or degree attainable; the highest phase of evolution; "his landscapes were accounted the acme of beauty"; "the artist'due south gifts are at their tiptop"; "at the superlative of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the acme of his appetite"; "and then many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"

acme, meridian, summit, top, superlative, height, pinnacle, acme, height

degree, stage, level, indicate - a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process; "a remarkable degree of frankness"; "at what phase are the social sciences?"

iii. elevation - angular distance above the horizon (especially of a celestial object) elevation - angular distance higher up the horizon (especially of a celestial object)

ALT, EL, altitude

athwart position - relation by which whatever position with respect to any other position is established

4. elevation - a raised or elevated geological formation elevation - a raised or elevated geological formation

natural elevation

geological formation, germination - (geology) the geological features of the earth

highland, upland - elevated (e.thousand., mountainous) land

hill - a local and well-defined height of the land; "they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia"

mountain, mount - a land mass that projects well in a higher place its surroundings; higher than a hill

foreland, headland, promontory, head - a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the bounding main)

ridge - a long narrow natural summit or striation

incline, slope, side - an elevated geological germination; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was congenital on the side of a mountain"

swell - a rounded elevation (peculiarly ane on an bounding main flooring)

5. elevation - distance of something above a reference bespeak (such as body of water level); "there was snowfall at the higher elevations"

distance - the belongings created past the space between two objects or points

isometry - equality of elevation above sea level

altitude, peak - elevation especially above bounding main level or above the earth'south surface; "the altitude gave her a headache"

ground level, class - the tiptop of the ground on which something stands; "the base of operations of the belfry was beneath grade"

water level - the level of the surface of a body of water

6. elevation - (ballet) the height of a dancer's leap or spring; "a dancer of exceptional pinnacle"

ballet, concert trip the light fantastic toe - a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers

bound - the distance leaped (or to be leaped); "a leap of 10 feet"

7. pinnacle - drawing of an exterior of a construction

architectural programme, plan - scale drawing of a construction; "the plans for Metropolis Hall were on file"

8. acme - the deed of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something; "the aggrandizement of the rex"; "his elevation to cardinal"

aggrandisement, aggrandizement

stride-up, increment - the act of increasing something; "he gave me an increase in salary"

ego trip, self-aggrandisement, self-aggrandizement - an human action undertaken to increase your own power and influence or to draw attention to your own importance

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. altitude, meridian We're at an superlative of about 13,000 feet above sea level.

4. rise, hill, mountain, height, mound, berg (S. African), high ground, higher ground, eminence, hillock, rising footing, acclivity The resort is built on an pinnacle overlooking the sea.

Collins Thesaurus of the English language Linguistic communication – Consummate and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. The altitude of something from a given level:

2. The act of raising to a high position or status or the condition of being so raised:

3. A progression upward in rank:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إرْتِفاع رَسْم واجِهَة المَبْنى سُموُ، رَفْع

avancement facadetegning forfremmelse højde over havet ophøjelse

homlokrajz tengerszint fölötti magasság

hæî yfir sjávarmáli hliîarmynd, útlitsmynd upphækkun, hækkun í tign



[ˌelɪˈveɪʃədue north] North

4. (= hill) → elevación f ; (= meridian) (esp to a higher place body of water level) → altitud f

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌɛlɪˈveɪʃən] n

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(lit)Hebung f; (to higher rank) → Erhebung f (→ to in +acc); (Eccl) → Elevation f

(of thought)Erhabenheit f; (of position, style)Gehobenheit f

angle of elevation Höhen- or Elevationswinkel m

(of gun)Elevation f, → Erhöhung f

(Archit: = cartoon) → Aufriss m; front height Frontansicht f, → Fassadenaufriss m

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈeliveit) verb

one. to raise to a higher position or to a higher rank etc. elevated to the post of manager. verhoog يَرْفَعُ رُتْبَة издигам promover povýšit befördern forfremme; ophøje υψώνω, προβιβάζω ascender ülendama بالا بردن؛ ترفیع دادن ylentää promouvoir לְהָרִים ऊंचा उठाना podignuti (fel)emel mengangkat hækka í tign elevare, innalzare 上げる 들어 올리다 paaukštinti pacelt; paaugstināt (amatā) dinaikkan verheffen løfte, høyne, heve; opphøye wynieść جګول، پورته كول، لوړول، درنول (معنوى او اخلاقى promover a promova (în funcţie) повышать povýšiť povišati unaprediti befordra, upphöja ยก yükseltmek 提高,晉升 піднімати, підносити بلدن مقام پر لے جانا thăng chức 使升高,提升...的职位

ii. to meliorate (a person's mind etc). an elevating volume. ophef يُهَذِّبُ، يُحَسِّنُ възбуждам melhorar povznést erheben opløfte εξυψώνω elevar; edificar; enriquecer تعالی بخشیدن؛ ارتقا دادن ylentää exalter לְרוֹמֵם बौद्धिक व नैतिक स्तर पर उठाना uzdignuti fejleszt meningkatkan byggja upp, göfga elevare, esaltare 向上させる 향상시키다 taurinantis, kilninantis pacilāt meningkatkan verheffen høyne ulepszyć, umoralnić بخشنده melhorar a înălţa spiritual; a ridica расширять кругозор povzniesť oplemenititi poboljšati höja, lyfta, vara upplyftande พัฒนา yüceltmek, eğitmek 提升(心靈等) облагороджувати; поліпшувати بہتر بنانا nâng cao 提升,鼓舞

ˌeleˈvation noun

one. the act of elevating, or state of being elevated. opheffing سُموُ، رَفْع издигане elevação povýšení; povznesení die Beförderung forfremmelse; ophøjelse; avancement ανύψωση, προαγωγή, εξύψωση elevación ülendamine, ülendus بالابری؛ بلندی nosto élévation העלאה ऊंचाई uzdignuće emelés pengangkatan upphækkun, hækkun í tign elevazione 上げること 높임 paaukštinimas pacelšana; paaugstinājums (amatā); pacilāšana peningkatan verheffing løfting, heving, opphøyelse wyniesienie جګونه، سكونه، غونډۍ ډوله ځاى ،جكوالى (دبحر له سطحى)، پر مختګ، تر فيع elevação înălţare повышение povýšenie povišanje podizanje upphöjande, upphöjdhet การยก yükselme, yükseltilme 提高,提升 підняття; підвищення ارتقا sự nâng lên 提升,提高

two. height above sea-level. at an elevation of 1,500 metres. hoogte إرْتِفاع над морското равнище altitude výška die Höhe højde over havet υψόμετρο altitud kõrgus merepinnast ارتفاع از سطح دریا korkeus merenpinnasta altitude גוֹבָה מְעָל פְּנֵי הַיָם समुद्र तल से ऊंचाई visina tengerszint fölötti magasság ketinggian hæð yfir sjávarmáli altitudine 海抜 해발 aukštis virš jūros lygio augstums (virs jūras līmeņa) ketinggian hoogte høyde over havet wysokość n.p.m. جكوالى (دبحر له سطحى) altitude înălţime высота výška (nadmorska) višina nadmorska visina höjd ความสูงเหนือระดับน้ำทะเล yükseklik, rakım 海拔高度 висота над рівнем моря سطح سمندر سے اونچائی độ cao 海拔高度

three. an builder'due south drawing of one side of a building. aansig رَسْم واجِهَة المَبْنى разрез projeção nárys der Aufriß facadetegning τομή κτηρίου (σε αρχιτεκτονικό σχέδιο) alzado fassaadijoonis فرازه نما julkisivu vue en élévation תַרשִים חָזִית הַבִּניָן इमारत के एक तरफ का वास्तुकार का नक्शा vertikalna projekcija homlokrajz rancangan hliðarmynd, útlitsmynd prospetto 立面図 입면도 profilis, vaizdas profils, vertikālais griezums lukisan rancangan opstand fasadetegning elewacja مهندس projecção vertical secţiune verticală вертикальная проекция nárys pogled (od spredaj, s strani itd.) vertikalna projekcija vertikalprojektion, fasadritning แผนผังที่มองจากด้านหน้า cephe resmi, elevasyon (建築物的)立體視圖 профіль; вертикаль کسی مکان وغیرہ کا سامنے یا پیچھے کا نقشہ mặt chiếu (建筑物的)立视图,正视图

ˈelevating adjective

that improves 1's heed or morals. an elevating experience. besielend, verheffend مُهَذِّبَه، سامِيَه събуждащ animador povznášející weiterführend, erhebend opløftende που εξυψώνει, που προβιβάζει edificante; enriquecedor ارتقا دهنده؛ تعالی بخش mieltä ylentävä enrichissant מרומם मनोबल इत्यादि ऊंचा करना oplemenjen lélekemelő yang meningkatkan pikiran/moral (che eleva) 気持を高め (지적, 정신적으로) 향상시키는 taurinantis, kilninantis pacilājošs yang meningkatkan pemikiran verheffend, instructief oppbyggelig, høynende; lærerik podniosły, budujący جګول облагораживающий poučný, povznášajúci povzdigujoč uzdižući ที่ยกระดับ yüceltici, eğitici 提高修養的 облагороджуючий ذہنی بلندی عطا کرنا nâng cao 提高修养(提高文化或智力水平),起提升作用的

ˈelevator noun

1. (peculiarly American) a lift or motorcar for raising persons, goods etc to a college floor. There is no elevator in this store – you will have to climb the stairs. hysbak رافِعَه، مِصْعَد асансьор elevador výtah der Fahrstuhl elevator ασανσέρ ascensor, elevador, montacargas lift آسانسور hissi ascenseur מעלית लिफ्ट dizalo lift lift lyfta ascensore エレベーター 엘리베이터 liftas lifts lif lift heis, elevator winda دغلې ګودام، اسانسور، لفت (يوه كوچنى كوټه چه دبرق په واسطه سړى يوى ځو پوړيزى ماڼىته پكښى خيژى او را كښته كيږى): دالو تكى هغه اله چه دټيټيدو او جګيدو حالت كنټرولوى elevador lift лифт výťah dvigalo lift hiss ลิฟท์ asansör 電梯 ліфт رافع مشین thang máy 电梯

2. a alpine storehouse for grain. graansuier مَخْزَن حُبوب силоз silo sýpka, silo das Getreidesilo kornsilo σιταποθήκη almacén de grano, silo elevaator انبار غله؛ سیلو siilo silo אסם अन्न भंडारगृह silos gabonaraktár silo korngeymsla, kornturn silo, silos 穀物倉庫 큰 곡물 창고 elevatorius elevators silo silo kornsilo elewator دغلې ګودام silo magazie de cere­ale элеватор sýpka, silo silos dizalica silomagasin ที่ที่ใช้เก็บเมล็ดพืช silo, tahıl ambarı 穀倉 елеватор غلّہ اٹھا کر بھرنے کا کھتّہ kho thóc lúa 谷物仓库

Kernerman English Multilingual Lexicon © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. elevación; altura.

English-Spanish Medical Lexicon © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Castilian-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/elevation

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